two little words
Let's just go ahead and cut to the chase.
My period was late in January, but to be fair, it was only my second cycle in two years so why would I expect it to actually be on schedule? I waited a week and decided to take a test... negative. Got my period later that day, of course.
I had some light cramping for a couple days in early February, which was odd for me. I briefly considered that the cramps were related to implantation (when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus), but didn't want to get my hopes up. I waited another three weeks and four days after my period was scheduled to test. This time the PREGNANT line showed up within thirty seconds!
Now that that's out of the way... I do plan on keeping track with this baby's development via social media and my blog. I mostly want to do it for myself but also for the other mamas-to-be out there that might relate to my experience, and the women that may want to become pregnant in the future.
By the time you read this I will already be ten weeks along. Stay tuned for more updates!
I'm pregnant.Prior to becoming pregnant the first time I had been paying attention to my body and tracking my periods regularly, and I picked right back up after my cycle finally returned four days before my son's first birthday. We weren't necessarily trying to become pregnant, as we firmly believe that all things happen in God's timing, but my husband and I felt ready to expand our family again and I wanted to make sure I knew what was going on with my body.
My period was late in January, but to be fair, it was only my second cycle in two years so why would I expect it to actually be on schedule? I waited a week and decided to take a test... negative. Got my period later that day, of course.
I had some light cramping for a couple days in early February, which was odd for me. I briefly considered that the cramps were related to implantation (when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus), but didn't want to get my hopes up. I waited another three weeks and four days after my period was scheduled to test. This time the PREGNANT line showed up within thirty seconds!
Now that that's out of the way... I do plan on keeping track with this baby's development via social media and my blog. I mostly want to do it for myself but also for the other mamas-to-be out there that might relate to my experience, and the women that may want to become pregnant in the future.
By the time you read this I will already be ten weeks along. Stay tuned for more updates!
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