How to be a good person.
It's October! This month means cooler weather, a plethora of pumpkins, apple festivals, corn stalks, changing leaves, Hocus Pocus, and Halloween!
It also, apparently, means a hurricane off the coast of North Carolina, and enough rain to relieve the drought in California. I'll be starting work on my ark this weekend.
One of my residents always has his radio set to BBN (the Bible Broadcasting Network). While checking on him the other night, I heard one of my favorite scriptures (Micah 6:8) being read by a man with a deep voice in a Trans-Atlantic accent.
As is the usual in the Old Testament, the context of this scripture isn't all butterflies and roses. Micah, a minor prophet, spoke out against the idolatry of Jerusalem, and the poverty of the city's inhabitants caused by a corrupt government (sound familiar?). After pointing out the sins of Israel, he offered up a list of things that the people might do to receive mercy, such as burning offerings of baby calves or rams, even a firstborn child... yikes. I'm glad we're past all that.
But here's the best part...
In Micah 6:8, Micah tells the people that God has already told them how to fix their problems:
Do what is right. Have mercy on others. Put others first. That is sound advice for anyone to follow. It pretty much sums up what Christianity is supposed to be about.
It also, apparently, means a hurricane off the coast of North Carolina, and enough rain to relieve the drought in California. I'll be starting work on my ark this weekend.
One of my residents always has his radio set to BBN (the Bible Broadcasting Network). While checking on him the other night, I heard one of my favorite scriptures (Micah 6:8) being read by a man with a deep voice in a Trans-Atlantic accent.
As is the usual in the Old Testament, the context of this scripture isn't all butterflies and roses. Micah, a minor prophet, spoke out against the idolatry of Jerusalem, and the poverty of the city's inhabitants caused by a corrupt government (sound familiar?). After pointing out the sins of Israel, he offered up a list of things that the people might do to receive mercy, such as burning offerings of baby calves or rams, even a firstborn child... yikes. I'm glad we're past all that.
But here's the best part...
In Micah 6:8, Micah tells the people that God has already told them how to fix their problems:
"He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?"
Do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly.
Do what is right. Have mercy on others. Put others first. That is sound advice for anyone to follow. It pretty much sums up what Christianity is supposed to be about.
After completing my round that night, I pulled out my computer and made three more chalkboard printables with the best advice I could ever give someone. They will be prominently displayed in my home, in simple frames, to remind me of the best qualities one can, and should, possess.
(Click any of the above images to download a set of your own.)
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