I made this for you.

Good morning, or afternoon, or evening. I have no idea what time it is where you are.

I frequently find myself whipping out a calculator in my kitchen because I'm too lazy to memorize common conversions. Usually that calculator is my phone, and usually I get something gross on it (which is probably NOT good for the screen). 

A few weeks go, I saw an old kitchen conversion chart at Goodwill and thought, "Gee, that's a really good way to keep from getting gross stuff on my phone," and decided to make one of my own. I had planned on painting a scrap of wood, but then I remembered I have shaky hands that aren't good at painting legible letters and numbers.

So I went back to my worksheet formatting days, brief as they were, and created this Chalkboard Kitchen Conversion Chart! The chart includes cups to ounces, tablespoons, and teaspoons, as well as a reminder at the bottom that converts cups to a pint and a quart, and subsequently a gallon (because sometimes Southern recipes call for a gallon of mayonnaise... looking at you, Paula Deen). 


Click the image to download the chart for use in your own kitchen!

I plan on gluing the chart to a stained piece of wood and coating it with lacquer, just to give it a little more support than the cardstock I printed it on. You could just as easily tape it to the inside of a cabinet, or hang it on your fridge. You could even display it in a pretty frame on the counter or wall. 

Happy cooking (and converting)!


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